Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is This Healthcare or Not Healthcare?

Okay Folks....Here's my take on the new Healthcare deal.
  • No future Technical or Medical inovations encouraged or Physcian or Hospital improvements.
  • Higher taxes of various types levied against All of our Countrymen.
  • Less Healthcare benefits for Senior Citizens... that have paid into the Social System for over 45 years or more.
  • IRS penalties for non-subscribers to Government-controlled Health Insurance.
  • Subsidies for abortions [in spite of what Congressmen say] and payoffs for certain Congressmmen and State Governments.
  • More Medicaid-generated financial burdens on more States....which means Taxpayers.
  • A strictly Socialistic benefit of Power and Money for Government Bureaucrats.
  • And can you believe this? An exemption from the Healthcare Bill for all Members of Congress.
Think about it!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Get Someone's Attention

A Boatswain’s Pipe

My daughter, KarenKool, recently wrote in her blog about getting people [grown-ups and children] to meet others Half-Way. Sounded reasonable to me. Being a seasoned parent, I know that kids will tune us out, especially if they think they’re being nagged repeatedly about doing chores and sharing the load at home. So, I asked myself, how could I get their attention – short of inflicting physical/vocal abuse on them? HA-HA, the answer came to me in church on Sunday.

A lady friend, Sandy, approached me after the service and said, “Hey Russ, weren’t you in the Navy?” I said, “yep – I was in the surface fleet and spent a lot of time in the Med.” She said that she was a Chief Boatswain’s Mate and also served in the 6th Fleet, working for an Admiral. Well, I mused it over on the way home with one thought leading to another about the duties of the Bos’n. That’s when I remembered that on board ships, the Duty Boatswain Mate ‘pipes’ specific ‘calls’ for certain events during his [her] watch on-deck, for example, receiving an Admiral on-board and departing the ship. The Duty Bos’n wears a Boatswain’s Pipe, attached to a fancy lanyard, around his neck when he’s on duty. His pipe produces a shrill high-pitched sound that can be heard in a radius of a quarter mile. It’s an effective means to get someone’s attention.

So, here’s what I would suggest to KarenKool - to effectively get kids’ attention:
1. Acquire a Pipe. Keep it around her neck or in a safe place.
2. Develop a distinctive ‘call’ for each family member, including Noah.
3. Instruct each member to learn his/her ‘call’ and to respond immediately -
when called.
4. Remind each family member that the ‘call’ can be used as an alarm clock –
when necessary.

Who knows, the Boatswain’s Pipe might even become an effective tool at various school events. I wonder what would happen if a ‘call’ was piped into a cell phone?


Monday, September 28, 2009

Is It Time Yet?

Just a thought while I was praying. Maybe the things that are happening now are a shadow or warning of what John in Revelation 6 and Jesus in Matthew 24 are saying. The U.S. is sort of not mentioned in end times prophesy – Why?
Are we wiped out?
Has the government gone over to the dark side?
Has the rapture come and the Church [believers] has been taken out and God is just dealing with the Jews?

We certainly have wars and rumors of wars, famine, disease and earthquakes in various places now.

President Obama appears to be acting like the anti-Christ, betraying Israel to the U.N. in his speech – wanting to divide her and to give more away to the Palestinians. Recently on Fox News, I heard little children in school – chanting praises to Barak Hussein Obama - while we can’t sing Christmas Carols in school. And we can get arrested or lose jobs for praying or mentioning Jesus.
Any criticism of Obama or homosexuals or deviant behavior is considered hate speech. Obama is putting people who hate our Country in places of honor and authority.

So will further persecution of the Christians start. I wonder!!!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! But Wait – I need to get my family ready!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Do We Do About Mr. O.?

My wife, Betty and I we were discussing Pres. Obama's speech this morning at the U.N.
We had just listened to a Joyce Meyer program about children around the world - that go hungry and are diseased and die - with no hope and who are sold into slavery, especially, as sex-slaves - and how prevalent it is. She made a passionate plea for us to do something about it. She didn't ask for our $ - but just for Christians to stand up and do something.
Then we walked into another room where on TV - Pres. Obama was giving his speech before the U.N., and in my estimation, was tearing down the United States - and its goodness.
Our Country has been sending aid throughout the world to help the hungry and destitute long before Mr. Obama was born. And, here is this man - standing before dictators and leaders of other countries - some that are causing famine and disease and facilitating the sex-slave trade and even killing their own people - like in Uganda. And, here's our President pulling down the USA and in turn - stating how much he has accomplished in the past nine months - what pride!!! Betty was even trying to give the man some leeway - and thought maybe he was really just being advised by evil men with Communistic agendas. But this too much - he's come off the tracks!!!
It's not time to just sit back and do nothing and say God will take care of it. We need to do what He tells us to do,in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 - which says,'....if my people, who are called by my name, will -
-humble themselves
-and pray
-and seek my face
-and turn from their wicked ways,
- then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'
Will God take care of it - or, will He let the situation run its course until His people stand in the gap like He told us to?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Did You Know That . . . . . ?

My wife and I attended the Annual Indian River County Hibiscus Festival in downtown Vero Beach. Every year, a full city block is cordorned-off for the various goin's on, that included - crafts, food, music, art work, bling, photography and you name it. Favorite events included 'Street Bands', one of which was really novel and good.

If you notice closely, Ben was playing a 'cigar box' guitar, although he alternated with 4 other guitars and a fiddle. He performed kind of a blue grass-country-gospel style sound for 2 hours straight - and that included, picking, singing, playing the bass drum with his right foot and a snare drum with his left and I don't know what he was using to play the symbol. Anyway he constantly drew a large crowd and that boot on top of the bass drum took on quite a few bucks.
Check out more Street Bands at:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did You Know That . . . . . ?

This morning [after six weeks of practice] we presented a three-song contata for our Resurrection Sunday Celebration. It was well received, but I don't think we'll take the show on the road.

Our Children's Ministry Pastor gave a concise and simple message - kinda like the following.